Pianos and radios are found in 33
per cent of the hones in addition to
phonographs in 46 per cent of thent,
and 14 per cent of the farm children
of the county are taking nmsic lessons.
Iowa county ranks better than the
average for the state in all forms of
modern appliances and conveniences
with the exception of phonographs.
The average for the state is 47 per
cent, while Iowa conty is one per
(ent lower, with 46 talking machines
to every I00 homes.
The history of owa couttIy is rich
in Indian legend and fact, andi( stories
of the struggles of the pioneers who
settled the region.
The territory around the Vees-
konsan river was once occuttied by a
powerful race of Indians called the
"lowas." It was from thee aborigi-
nes that lie county derived its name;
although it was ocupied at the time
of settlemient by the Sars, Foxes and
Winnebagoes. Wihen organized as a
county itder the territorial govern-
inert  of Michigan in   I 29, Iowa
county comprised about half of that
part of the present State of Wiscon-
sin below the Wisconsin river, but
is the population increased and the
need was felt for greater cenitraliza-
tion iii government, other counties
were foried from  the land coit-
prised  in its original boundaries,
those of Dane, Gireen, Grant. La
Fax etle and a part of Rock. After
lhe formation of La Fayette, Iowa
aSSaied  its  present  form,  being
botmide1 ott the north by the \Vis-
consin river, and Richland and Sl ttk
counties, otl the east by Dane, on the
sith by LaFayette and on the west
by Grant county.  lowa county is
nearly square. being about 310 miles
long and 25 miles broad.
C(mcertiing the arrival of tihe first
white toan in Iowa county reports arc
conflicting. tUdouhted  he country
was insettled before the year 1827
or only populated by roviig tribes of
Inidiai s atndi  trappers.  One  good  re-
sult of the Wiinebago war was to
demoiistrate the mineral wealth of
this regio and open the land for the
pioneers who began to come in in

Clothing and
Dad and Lad