of a jump, try a broad grin, measur-
ing each grin from tip to tip, giving
credit to the broadest. Instead of
the high jump, make it the high
mouth, measuring the wide open
mouth from lower lip to upper lip.
Any other exercise such as the above
would be suitable.
No well regulated school can do
without its time for recreation and
this "Kuntry Skul" must keep up its
record and so it has recess according
to schedule. It is great fun to play
"Blind Man's Buff," Jackstone, and
other games of our school days. A
pan of apples adds a realistic touch
to tlhe scene at recess and also affords
an excellent opportunity for someone
to grace the dunce's stool later in the
The clanging of the bell makes it
known to all that school is once more
in session and that the much herald-
ed spelling match is about to take
place. Let two people "Choose up"
and conduct this as you would an ord-
inary spelling match except the words
must all be spelled backwards. For
instance when the word "Buy" is
given it must be spelled "y-u-b" or

it is wrong. It is wise to begin with
simple words and later the more dif-
ficult ones can be used.
Next the teacher may announce
that since it is Friday afternoon there
will be a program in which everyone
is expected for take part. A few min-
utes preparation will be required for
this for some people will prefer to
work in groups, others will want to
rehearse a piece they once spoke at
school, while others will need a few
minutes in which to recall some song
they used to sing in school. This
part of the evening often proves to be
Lhe most interesting part for it is a
fertile field for reminiscences of hap-
py school days. I have seen a group
so responsive to this idea that they
fairly clamored for their turns to be
on the program.
A novel way to serve refreshments
is to have little lunch baskets filled
with sandwiches and fruit. If the
lostess wishes to serve lemonade and
ice cream cones, these can be served
at the same time. The "children"
may either sit in their seats or around
on the floor just so that everything
is very informal.

Lazy Farmer's Chicken Thief Trial

Justice ......... Lazy Farmer
States' Attorney Senator Hiram Cornlaorer
Plaintiff ........ Penny Pincher
..1 Slim
Deputies  .......  Spud
* [Annie
Witnesses ..... . Hank
* John Turnipseed
One-eyed Pete
Defendants ..... Jim, The Gyp
* [Jerry, The Gun
Attorney         "Slipme" Slick
for Defense ....   i
(When the curtain goes up, the court-
room is in disorder. Justice Lazy Farmer,
States' Attorney Hiram  Cornborer and
the complainant, Penny Pincher, who has
had his chickens stolen, are having a con-
ference at the Judge's bench. Annie and
Nfirandy are sitting in the chairs at left

of stage, reserved for witnesses, talking
earnestly, and Annie holds carefully on
her lap a large covered basket. Slim is
standing at the edge of the Judge's bench
and most of his time is devoted to watch-
ing Annie, with whose charms he is smit-
ten. There is a stir at the left of the
stage and enter-One-eyed Pete; Jim, The
Gyp; and Jerry, The Gun, in jail garb,
hickory shirts and cheap overalls. They
are ushered into the prisoners' seats, at
the defendant's table, by Spud who is
armed with two revolvers-one he carries
and the other sticks conspicuously from
his left hip pocket. The prisoners start
to sit in the chairs-Spud pokes the near-
est one with his gun.)
Spud-Stand up 'til I tell you-You'll
have lots of time to sit after the trial.
(The prisoners stand rather lazily and
Spud pokes them in the back.)
Spud-Stand up and show some respect.
(Justice Lazy Farmer takes his seat
and calls the court to order by pounding
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