Mullen, Charles; "Banner Factory"
20 yrs. Highland Highland Sec34
01/2a Cheese Maker Banner Fac-
tory, Highland. Farmers Tel. High-
Munder, Clifford E. (Agnes Slapak)
Ch Pearl, Roxie; 35 yrs. Avoca RI
Pulaski Sec25 0120a
Munz, Peter (Francis Clary) Ch
Mary, John; $Mr. and Mrs. John
Munz; "Boulder View Farm" 3
yrs. Avoca Ri Highland     Sec6
Murphy   Bros.  (Earl and    Leo)
(Gladys  Stebnitz)  Ch  Donald,
Rosemary (wife and children of
Earl) (Marie Lynch) Ch Vincent
(wife and child of Leo); 8 yrs.
Arena 112 Arena Secl-SW 0259a
Arena Tel. Arena
Murphy, John (Mary Yager) Ch Mar-
lin, Camilus, Burnett, Helen; 56
yrs. Ridgeway R2 Ridgeway Sec34
0108a T105a Mrs. James Laugh-
lin, Ridgeway.   Ridgeway   and
Arena Tel. Ridgeway
Murphy, Mrs. Michael C. (Elizabeth
McCabe) Ch Clarence, Florence,
Irene, Roy, *Leanore, *Mary; 30
yrs. Hollandale  R2   Waldwick
Sec23 0228a Farmers Tel. Hollan-
Murphy, Michael P. (Clara Convey)
Ch Alice, Joseph, Mary, Francis;
23 yrs. Dodgeville R3 Ridgeway
Sec4-SW   0170a  Commonwealth
Tel. Dodgeville

Nagel, Alfred  (Lora Richter) ; 25
yrs. Cobb Ri Eden Sec36 T80a
Henry Nagel, Cobb. Farmers Tel.
Nagel, Henry C. Ch Melvin, Harold,
Arthur, Clara, *Alfred; JMrs. Mel-
vin Nagel and daughter; 32 yrs.
Cobb Linden Secl-W 0280a Iowa
Co. Tel. Cobb
Nagel, Melvin (Amy Merritt) Ch Mil-
dred; 30 yrs. Cobb Linden Secl-W
Farm Employee Henry C. Nagel,
Cobb. Cobb Tel. Cobb
Nagel, Walter F. (Eva Gruenwald)
Ch Donald, Dorothy; 30 yrs. Ed-
mund Linden Sec29-N 080a Farm-
ers Tel. Cobb

Murphy, William D. (Sophia Laur-
inger) Ch Ernest, Jane, Anna May;
38 yrs. Mineral Point R5 Mineral
Point Sec22 090a Farmers Tel.
Mineral Point
Murrish, Albert W. (Jane Sims) Ch
Elizabeth Ann, Mary Jane, Mar-
garet, Patricia; 35 yrs. )odgeville
R4 Mineral Point Secl6-NC 0120a
Commonwealth Tel. Dodgeville
Murrish, Edwin (Jennie Owens) Ch
Emily, Helen, *Mildred; $Mrs.
Emily Owens; "Dairy Dale Farm"
50 yrs. Dodgeville R4   Mineral
Point Sec9-N   0120a   Common-
wealth Tel. Dodgeville
Murrish, Sidney T. (Ethel Salom)
Ch Beulah; 46 yrs. Mineral Point
R5 Mineral Point Sec16-C 080a
Commonwealth Tel. Dodgeville
Alurty, Joseph F. (Lizzie Ryan) Ch
Agnes, Edna, *Mildred, *Law-
rence; 26 yrs. Ridgeway R1 Ridge-
way Sec27 080a Commonwealth
Tel. Ridgeway
Myers, John F. (Clara Gutknecht);
$Gust Gutknecht and Mrs. Annie
Gutknecht and Seco, Gutknecht;
45 yrs. Avoca Ri Pulaski Sec8-E
T200a  Gust Gutknecht, Avoca.
Farmers Tel. Avoca
Myers, Leo V. (Annie White) Ch
Thaine; 12 yrs. Arena Ri Arena
Sec9-SW 0120a Arena Tel. Arena
Myers, William (Margaret Hanberry)
Ch   James,   Mary,   Margarite,
*John; 55 yrs. Avoca Bxi08 Pu-
laski Secl7-E 0180a Farmers Tel.

Nankey, John (Roxie Schmelzer) Ch
Grace, Darrel; 35 yrs. Highland
RI Highland Secl3 Ola Farmers
Tel. Pine Knob
Nankey, Peter Ch Chris, Laura, Os-
car, *John, *Ella; 68 yrs. High-
land R1 Highland Secl4 0220a
Farmers Tel. Highland
Narveson, Melvin (Gladys Christo-
pher) ; 28 yrs. Dodgeville RI
Dodgeville  Sec3 5-NE  T1682 a
Narve Narveson, Dodgeville. North
Line Tel. Dodgeville
Narveson, Ole Ch Lillian, Genevieve,
Esther, Alma, Oscar, *Charlotte,
*Bellah, *Gladys; 61 yrs. Dodge-
ville  RI  Dodgeville  Sec35-NE
O198a North Line Tel. Farmers
Exchange Dodgeville

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