Gordon, Lee (Mabelle Everson) Ch
Agnes, Lena, Curtis, Marion, Har-
old, Grace, Alice; ++Joseph Gordon;
"Gordon Stock Farms; 28 yrs.
Mineral Point R2 Waldwick Secl8-
S T320a Joseph Gordon, Mineral
Point. Dukes Prairie Tel. Wald-
Gorman, Lawrence; 27 yrs. Arena
R2 Wyoming Sec3 Union Valley
Cheese Co., Dodgeville
Gorman, Mrs. M1ary (Mary Roach)
Ch James, John, Joseph, Alice,
Margaret,  Clarence,  Lawrence,
*William, *Mae; 72 yrs. Arena RI
Wyoming Secl7-SE 0160a Arena
and Ridgeway Tel. Hyde
Gornan, Will F. (Louise Ruppert);
39 yrs. )odgeville RI Dodgeville
Sec29-NW T80a Geo. H. Robinson,
Dodgeville.  North   Line  Tel.
Goss, Frank A. (Edna Manuel) Ch
Richard, Freda, Lavina, Frank L.;
++A. L. Goss; 1 yr. Rewey Mifflin
Sec5-S T320a 0. G. Rewey, Madi-
son. Rewey Tel. Rewey
Gottscliall,  Charles   (Veronica
Schwabe) Ch Harold, Donald, Rus-
sell; "Wood Lawn Farm" 44 yrs.
Highland  RI   Highland   Secl0
0240a High Ridge Tel. Highland
Gottschall, William C. (Mary Ellen
Rule) Ch Arthur; "Clear View
Farm" 45 yrs. Highland RI High-
land Sec22 0120a High Ridge Tel.
Gownian, John (Annie Varen) Ch
Leonard, *Vera; 50 yrs. Mifilin
Mifflin Sec34-N 080a Rewey Tel.
Graber, Urban L. (Blanche Biddick)
Ch Hommner, Robert, Gilbert; 35
yrs. Mineral Point R3    Mifflin
Sec36-N  0276a   Commonwealth
Tel. Mineral Point
Graeber, Edward J. (Mary Dunne)
Ch Louis, Harold, Ileen; "Sham-
rock Farm" 4 yrs. Mineral Point
R4 Mineral Point Sec9-SE 0150a
Grange, Ward (Anna Suthers) Ch
Ellen, Marion, *Leo; "City View
Stock Farm" 63 yrs. Mineral Point
114 Mineral Point Secl7-SE 0131a
Commonwealth Tel. Mineral Point
Granger, Ell. L. (Leota Shumate) Ch
Lela, Ray, Harold; 8 yrs. Hollan-
dale R2 Ridgeway Secl-SE Cheese
Maker Black Oak Cheese Co., Hol-

Gratton, Charles E. (Alma Cock-
ings); 43 yrs. Mineral Point R2
Waldwick   Sec16 080a Farmers
Tel. Waldwick
Gratton, Joseph H. (Minnie Heath);
53 yrs. Mineral Point 14 Mineral
Point Sec13-SE   T160a Charley
Davis, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Commonwealth Tel. Mineral Point
Gratz, Louis (Mary Degner) Ch Nel-
lie, *Sophia, *Roy; 60 yrs. Mineral
Point R2 Waldwick Sec31-S 0312a
Farmers Tel. Mineral Point
Gratz, Roy   (Ruth   Gribble)  Ch
Robert; 33 yrs. Mineral Point R2
Waldwick Sec31-S Farm Employee
Louis Gratz, Mineral Point. Farm-
ers Tel. Mineral Point
Gray, Roy A. (Daisy McCann) Ch
Grant, Mertie Dora, Betty; 4 yrs.
Linden  Linden   Sec12-W  Farm
Employee R. A. Osburne, Linden
Greenwood Bros. (John and Harry)
Ch John, *Willard, *Kennth (chil-
dren of John); $Miss Anna Green-
wood; 14 yrs. Mineral Point R5
Mineral Point Sec24-E 0320a Com-
monwealth Tel. Mineral Point
Grenfell, John H.; "Cottage Grove
Farm"   61 yrs. Dodgeville R1
Dodgeville Sec2l 0137a    North
Line   Tel.  Farmers   Exchange
Grenfell, Thomas P. (Clara Berg) Ch
Bernadine; "Hawthorne Farm" 57
yrs. Dodgeville  R1   Dodgeville
Sec16-C 0126a North Line Tel.
Farmers Exchange Dodgeville
Gretting, William and Henry; 60 yrs.
Highland R2 Highland Sec4 050a
Twin City Tel. Highland
Gribble, Henry J. (May Greenwood)
Ch Ralph, Edith, *Charley, *Ena,
*Ruth; 52 yrs. Mineral Point R5
Waldwick Sec30 0250a Farmers
Tel. Mineral Point
Gribble, Joseph; 52 yrs. Linden P.O.
Linden Sec9 040a
Griffin, Aloysius A. (Adell Palan);
+Mrs. Julia Griffin; "Pine View
Farm" 29 yrs. Cobb Eden Secl4
0200a. Iowa Co. Tel. Cobb
Griffith Bros. (Griffin and Thomas);
37 yrs. Ridgeway R1 Ridgeway
Sec27-SW 0236a
Griffiths, Clarence (Rose Laverty)
Ch Lucile; 36 yrs. Dodgeville R4
Mineral Point Secl0-N O100a Com-
monwealth Tel. Dodgeville

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