Style Used in This Directory
Name in bold face type. Maiden name of wife in parenthesis (  ) Ch--
Children. Star (*) indicates children not at home. Double dagger ($) indi-
cates others living permanently wilh family if any, Name of farm in quota-
tions. Figures indicate number of years lived in county. Post office. R-
Rural Route. Township See Section. O-Owner. T      Tenant or Renter.
Name and address of owner of farm if any. Name of Telephone Co. Exchange.
Abel, George B. (Margaret Phillips) Ch Frank, Harry, Joseph, *Helen, *Anna,
*Elizabeth;  Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillips; "Fair View Farm" 18 yrs.
Dodgeville R1 Dodgeville Se-c29 0120a T80a John Wieland, Dodgeville.
Commonwealth Tel. Dodgeville
Name-George B. Abel.
Wife's maiden name-(Margaret Phillips).
Names of children-Frank, Harry, Joseph, *Helen, *Anna, *Elizabeth.
Star (*) indicales children not at home.
Others living permanently with family-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillips,
which is indicated by use of double dagger ($).
Farm name-"Fair View Farm."
Years lived in county-18.
Post office and R. F. D.-Dodgeville RI.
Township and section--Dodgeville Sec29.
Owner of 120 acres-0120a.
Tenant of 80 acres--T80a.
Name of farm owner and address-John Wieland, Dodgeville.
Name of Telephone Company-Commonwealth Tel.

Aavang, Heiry 0. (Lena Tollefson)
Ch Orville, LaVerne, Clifford, Dor-
othy, Gertrude; "Prairie Grove
Farm" 43 yrs. Barneveld 1 Brig-
ham  Sec26-SE O214a Mt. Horeb
Tel. Mt. Horeb
Abdoo, Joe (Mary Selim) Ch *Joe,
*Merlin; 15 yrs. Highland R3
Highland Sec4 O80a Farmers Tel.
Abplanalp, Andrew    ( Freda  Zur-
breug) Ch Adolph, Hulda, Walter,
Olga, Alex, Alfred, Harold, *Rzose;
19 yrs. Arena R1 Arena Secl-SW
0296a Arena Tel. Arena
Ackerman, Edward    Sr. (Barbara
Kraust) Ch Viola, Violet, Elvina,
Edward Jr., Harold, Lloyd, Lowell,
Melvin, *Velma; 1 yr. Rewey RI
Mifflin Sec17-S T284a Mrs. Lida
Hartlit, Cuba City.  Rewey Tel.
I ewey

Adams, John (Minnie Anderson) Ch
William, Vernon, Elmer, *Cora,
*Orville, *Della, *Martha, *Pearl,
*I1enry; 67 yrs. Highland R3
Highland Sec28 0120a Common-
wealth Tel. Dodgeville
Atainis, Thomas E. (Leola Campton)
Ch Gerald, Vern, Wayne; 20 yrs.
Mineral Point 114 Mineral Point
Sec16-SE  T216a Fred Golliner,
Mineral Point.   Common wealth
Tel. Mineral Point
Addison, Everett G. (Anna Jacobson)
Ch Lyle, Loren; 9 yrs. Montfort
112 Eden SeclS-XV 0180a Farmers
Tel. Montfort
Aerii, Walter Sr. (Clara Cellweger)
Ch Walter Jr., William; "Pine
Bluff Stock Farm" 3 yrs. Blanch-
ardville Moscow Sec2 T187a Elmer
'onrad, New   Glarus.   Farmers
Line Tel. Blanehardvi lie

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