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dessert served in sherbet glasses and
consisting of frothy soapsuds.
The hostess then arises, but as her
guests start to do so, motions to them
to remain seated. She then observes,
"Suppose we play we're alive again,
just for one night."  Real refresh-
ments can then be served.
Doughnuts, pumpkin pie, mince
pie, and apple cider make good Hal-
lowe'en fare.
The same games may be used in
the ghost party as those used in the
Hallowe'en Progressive Dinner party.
A Kuntry Skul Party
Write the invitations for this party
on wrapping paper and here is a sug-
gested wording for it:
Hear the call of the old school bell
Don overalls or gingham, do tell
And back to the school days, days of real
We are all going and of course you'll come.
Or you may prefer this form for the
Turn backward, turn backward, Oh Time
in Thy flight
Take me to school again, just for tonight.
Then don overalls and gingham too,
Prepare for games both old and new.
Instead of wearing gingham and
overalls, women might wear middie
blouses, and plaited skirts, and the
men, Buster Brown collars and big
bow ties, or even knee trousers.
The room in which the party is to
be held should be supplied with
either a large blackboard or a large
sheet of wrapping paper, a teacher's
desk and chairs placed in a row. A
dunce's stool conspicuously placed in
one corner may be the cause of much
amusement. A large part of the suc-
cess of this party depends upon the
teacher since much of the wit and
humor of the evening depends on the
many impromptu stunts that are ad-
The teacher rings the bell and
school opens. The girls have assem-
bled in one room, the boys in another.
When the bell rings, the piano plays
some march, and the children march

in from opposite directions, and take
seats anywhere.
The morning exercises begin with
the singing of the song, "School
Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden
Rule Days."
A good way to start the regular
classes for the morning is with an
arithmetic  lesson.  Choose   some
method for dividing the room into at
least two parts. Have ten persons
from each division write one number
on the board, not larger than the
number nine, and have the eleventh
person add the figures. The side get-
ting a correct answer first scores ten
on the examination. Of course the
side scoring one hundred first, is con-
sidered perfect in arithmetic and
there is no longer a need for this
class, so it is disbanded.
The language lesson is the next
thing on the program and may be
either written or oral. The subject
for this will be "The Most Exciting
Incident in my School Life." If these
compositions are written, a time limit
should be placed for their completion
and they should be collected and read
for the amusement of the school.
The reading lesson might follow
this. The teacher calls up a few star
pupils and hands out a list of tongue
twisters to be read rapidly. If she
thinks test, she may line up the en-
tire class and make each one read,
urging them to greater speed and send-
ing them to the foot for making mis-
takes. Here are a few: Two toads
teetotally trying to trot to Trexburg.
Five fantastic Frenchmen fanning
five fainting females. Six slippery
snakes sliding slowly southward. Nine
nautical Norwegians nearing neigh-
boring Norway. Ten tiddling tots
trying to train their tongues to trill.
She stood at the gate waiting for
slick strong Stephen Stringer, who
snared six slick, sickly snakes. Or,
some of the more common ones like,
Sle sells sea shells at the seashore.
Or, Peter Piper picked a peck of
pickled peppers, and so on.
A gymnastic lesson just before re-
cess would be appropriate. Instead

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