The Prairie Farm Thief Alarm

A patent device automatically fires all three torpedoes in case the thief
tries to hammer or pry the alarm apart. This makes it just as well adapted
to use on brooder houses and other small buildings as it is on the regular
poultry house, shop or garage. Turn the lock switch on at night and alarm is set.
Insert the steel key in the morning, turn the switch off and you can open the
doors or windows without discharging the alarm.
"Nothing will be stolen after that alarmn starts firing" said R. C.
Saunders, chief thief-catcher of the Illinois Bankers' Association, after
inspecting alarms of this type. "The thief won't be there, lie will run
right out from under his hat."
We have tried out every burglar alarm we could find on the market.
They were all expensive. We developed a simple effective gong alarm our-
selves, but it cost $6.50 to make it. Finally we developed this torpedo alarm
and after several months of experimenting have perfected it and found it
entirely practical and effective. This alarm is so simple that it can be installed
in 30 minutes. The only tools necessary are a brace and bit and screw driver. It
is inexpensive in upkeep as it is only necessary to replace the flashlight dry cell
three or four times a year. The alarm can be reloaded as often as necessary and
the cartridges cost only 50 cents.
Alarm Costs Only $3.00 Complete
It is ready to install on your chicken house, shop, granary, garage,
store, or anywhere that doors and windows need protection from thieves.
The price of the alarm, including one cartride containing three timed
torpedoes, battery, lock switch, one door trip with 25 feet of double strand
insulated wire for making connections, one single-shot test cartridge to
be used when alarm is installed prepaid $3.00. Extra door or window trips,
are 25 cents each and extra cartridges for regular use in alarm 50 cents.

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