Febuary 20, 1945

Mr. William Vogt
Paw*American Union
Washington 6, D. C.
Dear Bill:
I'm very much pleased to hear that ther- is a
chance of seeing you in Madison before very long.
Enrique will doubtless still be here, since he is
now working to catch up on his financial arrears.
I appredet very anch yor sending me your bulletin,
"l1 Hombre y La Tiersa. I wish I read Spanish
easily enough to digest it, bat of course I remember
the aglish version.
It's good news that you are goiag to see Starker.
He hadnt tmentioned asy of the Latin American
headaches recently, but he certainly had one a
couple of months ago.
Tour offer of a talk on Latin American conservation
is accepted right now. 1$11 defer seleoting the
particular audience until some dates are known, and
the degree of uncertainty in those dates can be jadged.
No doubt a final date will be ascertainable only
a short while in advance.
Carl is home on leave from the Pacific. Be looks fine.
Looking forward to seeing you,

Yours as ever,