J       14, 143 4

To: IThblq (lanrk
From: lTo Leovold
I was ntuLrally intensoly interested in yoar new under-
taking In Washington.
lfhile, you are there I an rnoias to have you got acquainted
with M7 friend Bill Vogt, Chief of the Consrvation Section
of thp P-n Aerican Union. 1 y special reason for sugesting
this is a pipe dream I have entertained for some time relating
to a new activity here on the anin dealing- with world aspects
of 1dn use. Bill Yo-t, through his field woz in LTatin Amer-
ioa for the' Pan Uierica n Union, has worked un a set of ideas
on land use that stzik.1e me as rquite different fron anything
I havo -ver encontered, and ce-rtAinly now absent from this
University. 1My pipe dream is briefly thist ultimantely
attacohing Bill Vogt on a part tine basis bthor to Land
Boonolmics or to rour office for developlin this new field.
The first step, in any event, is for yo. to havo a look
at him. With your permission I a going to ak him to
give you a rig some ti   fter    y:a awt rgotten. ettled
down in Washington.
In addition to my pipe dream I suspect that you will find
Bill Vogt of oonsiderable use to you i your now unortaking
because he has a pretty thoroujh irac; of food production in
South America, as related to cil conoration.