D.. 00l,
ar. asevt 1.. seenest~
BMW S togialAsv
I have Jast ese bae  tm SM. Psa   after a vey
plesnt viht with Me aM ar. Gasen
my  amal tIpestmon    of th  pwroes of the we* ae
esatani i the attasmd Mp of a letter to the laettate. I
prmised te Instttate that I weal aske am taspeottos of th   Vias.
*set& fellowshtp ulaeo I we not able to s    at the tee I reearnd*
*A its renewal Mat I bad de so.
Zhe purpose of this letter is to amartso sameem
elusions arrived at Jeatly b KIag et astf tentatively O.K.*4
1V Dr. Cbm   and   mabject to fial approval by yoref eamo
beore the ean be consideret as adopte.
I thAk aMsrd is ummaimmus in the 1hs*4 tat the
time has anne to pick out a tastion of the total field Mac has bee
wakin to ea to eensetatise attention to that ftadtiona at least
until his degree is obtainL. The question is, what treatiea?
I think  itg h"a tisd 'methe~s of Aetemiag grose
pepalattoas." this     ertatly as tmortat sabject sad one whit
sOmebody ougt to Over seen, bt    t hisk VAt in fuetie to Tang his
thesis topie msld be semething wah we can be absolutely asre is
saoeptible of execatims within a couIle of years. SItee te above
emb0et depeals lawesly a the development ef a method of trapplng,
I sa not ose tat it meets the above   atirment. At Ilintais   ig
was ten the   go shell prjeo    hI* I thitk ms a pare g"0ble en
might hee taken a sele sorest instead of a   eAle years' wak to
solve. New we have bamte him the gbodest of yole. I m ready to
admit tat as adequato explrevatte of eyels s sothiat better
adapted to a 11eMe of stdy thman a deeple yeas' vet fer a PhD.
KIg at I thesbee eve the whele gavma sa I atak
arrived at Ihe memliastou that the partiemlar freettam whiat use Im
portant, ish el4d lbe Ugam jast as well duriag ts towah as dariag