April 2 1317
Uof Nw Brunsi
Fredinrton. Reaw .umnwiek
Dear rueet
I have ;rotur letter of larch 21, adby this time you have
'l'a4 reiv-d Dea n herriott's letter of March 24. wAiving
thp summer session.
I novw that you will apprecie th.is, but I also asnt to
qunote :>r Den Hrri    Iaott's iformation the rolwing:

r" efore I left 11adison in Arl) 1996-'
offies in 3asco    :!11 an    skdi     I
derc qulfiaias tn had amse
I kd ourpemission, to lrn,,s early

I went to tbe 'Grvte
had COmplet    Wy rest-
the necessary credits
fs in order provided
th"A t

II 110e1-ods, so0meoe at 4he Gradu(Iate Office, as "ell as
youi and   I, E& overlookzed Dean  odwin' oeriginl lette.
I 'm pleased to 'har that the theiau will soon reah    o,
and that rour research venture at the Univnrsity of Wpw
Brunawlak- sat to be a3ured.
4ith per   l regards.



coOean Herriott
P.S. May I now revise the question of Bruce Jrightts thesis
cornnittee' He is not licted in your circular of April 1. In
ny letter to you of February 12, 194t, I suggested myself,
Arthur ). Haslor, and John Emlen.
I aji remiinling Bruce Wright that in accordance with your circular
of April 1, sprecial permission is nocessary if the examination
is to fall outside the dates May 5 to 10. Should he be unable
to report here dturing this standard period, I am askig hi when
he will probably report.

YouV shootel6y,