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To eliminate the mental strain of double funeral services, none was held in
Madison. No flowers were also requested. The body was taken to Burlington,
Iowa on Friday, April 23, and was buried in Aspen Grove Cemetary in the Starker
plot (Aldo's mother's maiden name). The cemetary is an old one, and the Starker
plot is on a little knoll, and Aldo's grave is below two tall white pines.
From Madison, Professor Roark, Joe Hickey and I acted as pallbearers. The day
was a very beautiful one. The services were short, simple, and impressive.
These are the facts.
We are now attempting to carry on as best we can where Aldo left off. It is
obvious that we are rattling around in his shoes. There is, however, one
idea that seems to be in the minds of most of us, and that is that sorewhere,
somehow,we would like to have a memorial for the Professor. At this point,
I would like only to implant the idea and hope that if ideas occur to any of
his friends, we should be very glad to hear about them.

Sincerely yours,
Rob t A.McCabe


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