February 6. 1931.

Mr. Aldo Leopold
421 Chemistry Building
University of Wisconsin
Hadison, isconsin
Dear Mr. Leopold:
I was very pleased to get your report of your visit
with Mr. Horn. I will write him for an appointment in the near future
(as soon as mid-quarter exams are out of the way). *I am confident that
any apparent misunderstanding will be easily cleared up.
I am also more than pleased with your report on the
fellowship here. You will be glad to know that arrangements have already
been made for the various game wardens to collect such specimens as I
request and furnish such data as is needed for the carryinp on of the
work of examination of specimens. This will save me at least five days
a month in the field, and will also react to interest more individuals
in the work and in the collection of data.
I have just received today your copy of the "Reports on
Conferences on Cycles".   Should you ever run across a copy of this report
for sale please let me know, I want it for my own library. (I'll return
yours, however.)
I am returning to you today the two books on archery.
Thanks a lot for their use, we both enjoyed them, and I am sorry I have
kept them so long.
I am sending Mr. Noyes the letters you forwarded to me
after making copies for my own files.
The mimeographed copy of the "Game .Survey" is proving a
mighty big help in my course.
I will have the paper on "Cycles" and the "Progress Report"
ready soon and will send them on to you. There have been 146 references
added to the "Historical Study" since you were here.
Swanson's first name is Gustave, - his address is 3305
47th Avenue South, Minneapolis, or Dept. of Zoology, University of Minnesota.
Very truly yours,