1532 University Avesme
June 1, 1937
Prof. J. I. Robinson
Dept. of Zoology-Rntomology
Alabama Polytechnic Institute
Aubarn, Alabema
Dear Professor Robinsons
It so hapenas that I have a student, Leonard W. Wing,
who gets his doctorate this June and who would be highly qualified
for a combined teaching and research position.
Wings thesis topic has been animl cycles, and I enclose
some samples of his publioations.
He has some other offers for administrative work, but his
preference is for research, and he would be willing to do teaching
if it did not entirely consume his time. He would want to know, I
think, that there would be a reasonable margin of time for research.
Can you tell me whether this would be the case?
Wing's mentality and enthusiasm are quite out of the
ordinary. So is his personality, although I should say in this con-
nection that a few people who do not know him well do not consider
him easy to get along with. I myself would have no misgivings on
this core, assuming that he had sympathetic sad competent advice
from his department head.
Should Wing decline the administrative offer which is now
pending, he would have to do so promptly. If, therefore, you are
interested, I would suggest that you get in touch with him at once.
Re may be addressed in my care,
Tors sincerely,
Aldo Leopold
vh                               Professor of Game Management