is designed for, 'whether to three mre lard out of private
hands and into public owaership or ftr leaiicale forestry,
I might also ask, "Wht's the Rg rush'?"
This timber faminf scoare has been preached for the lest twenty
five years, at least. During that time we have leerned how
to use Southern ne we are learning to use Aopen, and all
in all, somehow, It's quite surprising that the greatest
tiabr drain in our history could oeaw and be met suoessfilly
Auring this war despite all the prediotiow of ettors before
you. In the reauntime, we have 4aska looked up 99Y, and b~th
Rusais and Sweden are eager enough to sell us forest 'roduets
until the time that we @an learn how to be self-susttining.
Sinee these forestry poblems ere chronic, aD rny vise
can huve tried to sAve them before ar'd failed, T doubt whether
it is really noessry for the Visconain Legislature to setlroa
a bill through the last few days of the present session in
order to save the country. rurtherocre, so I said before and
ill repeat in olosing, vhy not wait until the veterans are home
oad see just how  uci peacetime regi;mntation they tre  sing to
stnt for, "forestry" "cooervation" or any other eatch phrase
Many of us have come to have profound respect for th-e freedom
we know here in Amerieso. Deapite sour waste of resources, our
freedom in the how., in bueiness, ant on the liAnd uwrlly gets
around in good time to $4kineg up the altek. The tmerween
freedom of land onerdhip and Operation is a pretty rood systeu
as is. Before we io to tinkerin   with freedom, peasing laws
that put us .l under "programa, nd settinc up any mrs
Geatapon in Wisconstt, lat's fiat look are0=6 an! teke a good
long look itt iat we have. 1arvian taken that look, I say that
every tim a low ouch as this pro posed law is suggested we do
our duty anW bury it ca quickly as pousible.
Your. sineerely,
Wallace Grange
LtSO: dg
o.e.-Asseablyano, William 0lark
SCaeator, Melvin Leirt
Conservation Commisalonerb Ado LeopolA