And where might that be? Hovw triangulate so as to locate the
Spot where an OK-skiddy peeling just gotta be stepped on by Said
Parties (still content with gone-sour d&d .... or afraid of N&Bd&d....
or "don't rightly understand".... or "over-sold" on 1-buck law, or
all fires 100/o wrong, pour in more hatchery fish & fishing gotta git
better, forestry is planting more baby pine trees, one smallish game-
farm gits fair pheasant hunting on 10 mln acres so two big pheasant
farms will git good hunting on anyway 20 mln acres, might be hungry
deer on other side of state,-but nuthin like tbt in my district etc etc)
Where do all our several official & other lines I Techy Ec,-Soc-poly)
mostly intersect? . . , Policies, budgets, action-programs, accounts,
personnel et al? Just one place.... the niennial Rept. So that's The
Spot.   Everything in The zook has been full-koshered by the Director
hisself, & all his Oivn Tops are there nailed down, a the members of
Commn got their names in front, & its all pointed right at the Governor
& Legislature!  . . . "Gents, we account herewith for funds, policies,
doings & comings-up a include specific evidences that same are getting
tended to via increasingly  recis   dependable, checkable & non-dream-book
findings - of which __xI more will be steadily coming up so long as
you leave us do our stuff"'... Yvt Cvn ±ept via 0igIil... & Ernst & Ernst
(see p 15 of 10th.... also hark to rattle of bones in closets etc, p 7-11
as Director "summarize8 bigh-spots of biennium", & adumbrates some in re
coming ups ... thus setting wedges in season-checks etc, as due to be
mauled-in during next biennium - plus-plus. . . . See also Director's
Summary in front of 9th Rept..."what Mich Cvnsts were mostly worrying
about 40-30-20-10 yrs back"etc.   "Perspective" coming in?  "Successions"
of stages in nmenaxtmmagagmm  the land-use sere getting recorded &
vwith their time-schedulei mebby ready to graph etc?
You say you are "interested in idea of tryiny to reduce such yuestions
to the Soiltex status, but your doubt is as to what percentage of such
questions are thus reducible".
In that, I take it, you are neatly on-th-curve. Same place on it,
perhaps, that the Soil Specialists were just before the soil-taxonomy
via "horizons" was thunk up & demonstrated to be O.
Your "chronology" diagram, with the "ideas" of predator-control,
1-buck-law biology, carrying capacity, fire-control et al. all going
sour (via over-selling etc?) & finally all of 'em somehow "recombining"
into the new & very potent idea of ecological mgt., suits me muchly,
but doesn't incorporate or try to isolate or measure the time-schedules
on whicb each such "idea" came up thru embryo, infant, youth, adult
& final senile stages (or some such equivalents).
Note the full ref to the individual Homo curves I wanted you to look
up, is:
"Old Age", Warthin A S, pub 1929 by Paul Hoeber, N.Y.
Your use of the word led me to look up "chtonology" in the Encyc Brit
& I found a very curiously apt account of the Bishop Usher analysis of
bible data & dope via which he "fixed the date of Gen~sis" & all the
subsequant goings-on right down to 0-AD in-th-barn etc - so as to putstart
the series at 4004 BC etc. The Encyc cokmented in some detail, that
the Bishop's dates "were almost universally accepted even into Queen
Victoria's time". But about then the d&d from the geologists & paleoists
& old-city diggers-up, & Darwin et al began to take hold... after which
the Bishop's d&d gone sour fast & the "new concept" took over as-is.