of l: A a and owls are now beingo '1iberatty placed on the proteeted
it. .aw rentse Ikewiae foans a aeneet plan for the tIappig of
ari=s        as. All spnes inlwluding partridge, resort to coaniferes
renes dariasevere weater, wat phasats habitually rest et th
ground In the limbs of the cotiferas tres.
lnter feetag Is stentteally pnstised sa4 is the rule In hante.
-rtridges do not need it esept dariag sere emews. edtag statIons for
song bivd are also wi4ely used, sad a nrtealr method of feediat is used
fr tack spetee.
2aXnanon. The mest astoatiag part of the fsnwiag description is the
dens populatins and the absenes of qes, a oIn rabbits. Bren if 
PartriTge per nm ti"s rew   t htgh, the  ientattons are tat the satura-
Sta ptat of approtately I btrd ner are, *hth hol4s in tirlnA aM
in the Unittd  tates tis anniterably oeeded in Oseteslevakia. At the
sme time there is an tadiaetion that both rsrtrdrnes aut pheautsare
les mbile n more inistnnt to hsy lillit and! har winters. I amot
arid the   enjotwre that thwe io one inter-Tliattn betwee    these facts.
It shoid be readbent that       in    o rbbly a aequired rae
for the Wy partridre, as it Oartainly to f1r the phasat. If we may
nude by alog7 "-th the rarte ckaen an other Amerlna species, we
woult lek for a greutr taendey toward eyotte ohaetation on the aequtret
raw.. but a LAna2 twlmta to adhere to a saturattn poiat. As a
matter of ft, we fad the tnadey toard Oreles, but not th      other te.
'snw. I n asing, of swrse, tht Creekstowakta ts approximatsly in
the georahie centre or   ptma of the tadibanos 'rtrt-ae rane, and at
last teaer to the has of 1h* phasut than either bniaa or Ameries.
bo density of gallingens poMlatin is especially suvpriwsa in @an.