3herwood .lantation,Thomasville, Ga.,
March 10, 1931
'r. Aldo Leopold,
421 Chemistry Building,                                           fptI)'
Madison, Wis.
My dear Aldo;
I cannot tell you how delighted TI was to find the bow and arrows here
when I got home from a two weeks trip to South Carolina this morning. I got it
out and came pretty near hitting some clods of dirt in a soft field near the
house, so I now have designs on the alligators, cotton mouth moccasins, diamond
rattlers and so forth; then later the turkeys and deer had better look out.The
bow is a fine one and just all I can comfortably pull, so I know that it is just
right for me. I think too that I have retained most of the little -oints of
fqrm that you showed me; enough so that I can go ahead and shoot about a
lpttle. If you writed me to get the "bug" you took the right course to
inoculate me, for as soon as I get a bow in my hand a shotgun immediately
looks like a :ourderous weapon. I may get weaned entirely away. Better run down
and we will try our hand at the gators. I am afraid that the big fellows would
run off with one of those nice broadheads unless I centered him, so will try it
first on smaller game. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate this gift, which
will give me tremendous Aleasure.
iade quite a turn around the South Carolina quail preserves on this
last trip and saw some very fine properties, and learned -a lot as I always do
on these trips. It is an excellent field up there, but it looks very much noc
as if things would shape up here so that I can stay closer to home most of the
time.T saw several properties badly out of condition through fire exclusion and
am daily getting surer of my ground on the burning question as TI travel about
and seem more places. It surely is unfortunate that quail and fire are so
closely linked in many areas, but I am beginning to feel that I have under
stated the facts in my final report, as I -et more information on the subject.
Thanks for the copy of your letter to 1r. Barrus, and the confidence you have
placed in our work. I often wish you were with me to discuss various things
observed afield, for I have always been greatly stimulated by our discussions
as to the why and wherefore of things to be seen on any roadside.
TI note that Scribners are now starting to advertise the quail report, but
have not announced a publication date. It is beginning to get my i-oat a little,
as the svring work on quail preserves here is now well under way.,As tine passes
it becomes more and more ap.parent that last season was a disasterous one in
many places to quail, but it is so very spotty;   few places here have had the
best shooting ever and others the reverse. 1 noteg Science that a disease
resembling Rocky 1buntain Fever has appeared in humans in the Southeast. T
wonder. No theory that I have been able to formulate seems to fit the facts
observed afield. Just dont know enough T guess. .ell I must close, as I have a
lot of reports to get out and am way behind with everything, including sleep.
iith kindest regards from house to house and many, many thanks for the archery
Mo.t sincerely yours,