arch  4, 147
Mr. Brucerih
Dear Bmeet
The Dean'- rel, to me letter about a comuittee
for you 3et mi on my userz. He referred me to
the attacied letter of Aug!ust 17, 1945, which I
haad forgotton all about and which is not in Mr
files. Although we both undoubtedly saw it at
the time. The vroblems boils down to the Dossible
remission of the eiht week wiusser aession. I ai,
of ouirse, willing to take thils ul with the deai,
but thwght I >.d better yrite yo. 'Irst to ake
sure that you ad not yourself erased tnhis
reiuirement by some kind of verbal negottation with
the lean' oAffice.
I Iow you Will niot enjoy reaeivAng this letter,
and I of course  now itsi importance to you. That
is Wy reason for proceeding catinnly.
Yours as ever,