905 Uiveratty A'vene
Matison, WisonetA
septanber 2, 1931
To tbose who hew. consented to
aritie    m    agmet
Stane witag yea last about t his anaseript.
severa thias have hansed to make It Iuprsetiable to route
eopies to fixed groups with a flied t    me-iut.  Instad, I shall
try to wite or wire you inlvidually, at Oah time so I ia get
a epy to yeu, to see it you are able to do any reatag at that
partilar t me, aad it s I will taiiete the parts I      espeially
anxtns to have you sostwise. If ya ea cover more, so mah the
A Page of special suggestions to crities it
enlsed for your us when the M.S reahes you.
YOur stnerelyn
I Charge, Ome SuroWr