Mr. aerL.Sodr
Dear Her'brt:
I am mch pleased that you will probably attend
the AOU in Om ba, and I will look forward to a
visit -Ath you then,eithor here or at Omahn, or
Tes, I was tangled on the aunstion of posthumous
elections to follow ir Lsont's case.  ince suc!.
elections are not made, that closes the iatter.
My eye is back to normal, so a'parently all those
difficulties ar no~ behiJa n.
The a1n trees are shoddin- teir bad scrles todiay,
and the yellow bellied apsuckers and hermit thrusieos
arrived yestorday, so that ill' tell yoi that ,.ril
has roally arrived., I counted three hundred geone
into my mralsh nturd evening, and I would giv1 a
good deal if we could sit and w:Ato thein togethear.
The contrast htween the spring and fall belavior
never ceases to astonide me, and it speaks loudor
than ay official report3 bount the present st-ttus
of law enforcement i. r