June 290 195

Professor Paul L. Boynton
Stephen IF. Austin State Teacher's College
Naoogdoches# Texas
Dear Professor Boyntons
I am glad to hear about your forestry venture.
Leonard Wing, as you probably know . is not a formlly
trained forester, but he is one of the most versatile
and energetic researchers and teachers that I know of
and I have no doubt that he would soon wrap his mind
around the subject atter of your job. He is quite
thoroughly trained in meteorology and statistics and is
an expert ornithologist. He is exceptionally well
read and covers a wide range of biological literature.
On the other side of the leder, Wing is egotistical and
ambitious, and up to the time he left here, had not
learned to subordinate these tendencies. That was
a decade ago and he may have learned a lot since. I
really believe that your best bet is to have him down
for a look over. His limitations as to gotting along
with peole by no means apply t all people.
One thing I can pronise you: anyone who takes on
Leonard Wing is going to have things happen speedily
and constantly.

Aldo Leopold