1 14r6ih

whieh I now have ws* obtained from the working plan drawn 11 Supervisor
0. 0. Smith for the Pigtah, which was that reffed grouse were very hiA
ia 1920, had doolined somewhat by 1921 and hit bottom by 1923, remaine4
very low until 1925, end showed a slight pick,-up by 1927.
What I am extremely anxius to find out is whether the past
histoty of the specles in your region contains any similar evidences of
high points and depressions, and if so, the date and locality of sush
evidence. Since yo will doubtless want this ayhow as a basis for your
own study, I thurht yni mght be willing to oonerate with me by lettint
me have such information as you can collect in the next month or two for
use in the north central report.
I am revising the chart for North America in the next vek
or so, and will send you a blueprint eamarising the information I have
to tsto.
My Ulisseari report, no being typed, will also coatain
soee new infomation on the behavior of ruffed grouse in the Osarks
*hclh beAre on your problem. You cen borrow tlis from the library of
the Btological Survey after it has been sent them, which will be withia
the next month.
Are you by ay chance atteading the Forestry Researh Con-
fereace here In Uadison in April? Mr. Auatin and I are planinzg a ca-
ference, and it would be of extrame interest to me to meet you at that
time. Possibly Mr. Prothiugham sould authorise your attendance.  It
seems to me that there should be somne provision for a joint annual meet.-
In& of men engaged in game research it connection with the National Game
Conference in New York each December.
Yours sincerely,
In Chase, Game Survey
Dicated by Mr. Leopold,
but signed in his ab.
sence to avoid delay.