May 11, 1937
Professor Aldo Leopold
Department of igricultural Economics
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Dear Professor Leopold:
Your letter concerning Harry G. Aiderson arrived while I was
attending a meeting at Washington.
For your confidential information, we are undergoing a heavy
cut in personnel in the very near future, and I am positive that we
will have no openings.   In fact, we have been unable to get some of
the boys back we lost six months ago, and are operating with a skele-
ton organization.
The only thing we have to offer,at the present tine, is the
position of student technician. This position is intended for grad-
uate students who intend returning to school, and is from Tune 1 to
September 15, and pays $70 a month.   I should say that it would not
be attractive to Mr. Anderson, but if be is interested I can put him
on for the summer. He would have to pay his own way to where he would
be stationed, which would take a good portion of his sumer's pay. It
is possible that he could go on as a student technician in a camp near-
or Madison.   If interested, let me know at once so I can get the wheels
started.   I am not sure that he could get placed out that way, as I have
nothing to do with the Second Region, but I would be very glad to put in
a word for him.
I have learned that Salyer may take some on a civil service status.
When,I do not know, but he said this summer.
If Mr. "nderson is interested in the foreman job at the Arboretum,
let me know, so that I can take the matter up with Adolph Murie, who is
Regional Wildlife Technician for that part of the country. As we settle
down to a permanent basis, that may be the way to get a start. If Mr. .n-
derson is willing to take a chance on a job like that, it is possible that
vacancies will occur in the better jobs, and he would be in line for one
of them.
I am sorry that I can offer no more encouragement, and thank you