Martin Gilline-2

any chance know of ay other group who might be interested in contributing
to Arther studies, I would be intensely interested to get in touch with
them. I feel that we are dealing here with a very iUportant aspect of
conservation which has been almost entirely neglected both by science and
by laymen.
The specific thing which needs to be studied, but for whid we
lack funds to pay the travel of a student, is the present #Irruption" of
qail almost all over Wisconsin. As you will see from the "Geme Survey,"
this happens only once in about every 20 years or so and it is a matter
of the utmost consequence that ihen the die-off occurs, which will doubt-
less be this winter, we learn how it occurs, where, and why. I have
splendidly qualified men who are wishing to make this study, but lack the
funds to pay them a little car mileage, which they cannot, of ourse, pay
out of their own podkets.
Yours siasrely,
Aldo Leopold
In Charge, Game eseaah

Detober 10, 1934