1532 University Aveae
February 2, 1935
Mr. Leonard Wing
Box 364
Norris. Teanessee
Dear Leonard:
I am interested in the fact that Wyoming should make you an
administrative offer and also in your serious consideration of it.
I really know nothing of the set-up, except that I respect Scott.
It would give me no end of satisfaction to see a researcher make
good in a set-up of that kind, but I have seen so many spills in
l.e difficult situations to be terribly optimistic   If you took it
I would admire your courage, and needless to say, pray for your success.
Vivian and I have the Land Grant Directory and sometimes use it.
We to not have the educational directory.
I am sorry to hear about Richards but not surprised.
I of course share your smile at the division of the Wildlife
Society into sheep and goats. You will remember thAt I said the
division was futile to begin with and would break down completely
when the Society grows large. It is already large.
I want to be sure that you have not missed the following:
Climatic   cles in jastern Organ a gIndicated tE free
by  P. P. Keen. Monthly Weather heview, Vol. 65,
No. 5. may 1937, pp. 175-1ss.
Will I see you at Baltimore?
Tours sincerely,
Aldo Leopold
vb                              Professor of Game Management