meeheatel nct4ents, and other sournes of eorWtalty.   This# too# to
merely another proenss of ellatatioVn tvyiUg to ret down ti the thing
that 4etermines the adetlaea ery,.
Nobody ean predlt In advanee in just what dr"etion the
avetitjption wAld ul timitely have to go.  It is a ease of feel your
!hi may not sownd very convineing, tAt if you will Avre ne
mother abtnme when I ee you paraniva ly. T re- are we can have a m t-
Ing of aindis.
Henry 'Daris suasts the mtter of the Institute   A     at
least a smmll contrtatton to the proposed nwtriaeh hidam mtudy. It
we had say monq aviAbl, I vould consider this very serioualy. As
it li, however, all of mw available resear&h  one  is ;allotted and
there is no Dresent nrowneets.
Why don' t you see John C. muntington while you are in row York
aw ftnd out whether the newly organse4  a p V*ndtion, wteah is to
be finanoed on a lage seale, man rive year project a lit?
TUrsngeely  ,
- Tn Charge,( Grane tar