42)4 University Farm Place
June 30, 1944
Mr. William Vogt
Pan-American Union
0/e labajads americana
Mexico, D. T.
Dear Billi
I am glad to have a word from you. but I an afraid
something slipped on the matter of the survey.
Fred Walcott talked It over with Starker, and Starker
held himself in readiness for quite a while, but hearing
nothing from amybody he naturally had to prepare
himself for obligations to military service.
I a, of course, not attempting to speak for him, and
an forwarding your letter to him.
Your attempt to write something for schools in Mexico
interests me very greatly. I'll be immensely interested
in seeing a copy when one is available.
Inrique is working part time with Professor Hasler's
fish research erew on the Arboretum this summer. I
think the ficld experience is good for him, and he
seems to lie the assignment.
I have sent in my essays to two publishers, but have
not heard from them. Albert Nochbaum is doing the
I a  much pleased that you have not given up your
Madison visit, and we will all await further word from
you as to probable dates. Naturally we want you to
plan to stay with us.
With personal regards,
Yours as ever

cc Starker