June 19, 1931

Dr. Alfred 0. Gross
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, !faine
Dear )r. Gross:
I am trying to get a rough idea of the ratio between
the weight of the maximum crop and the weight of the bird.
Your Wisconsin report enables this to be calculated very; sat-
isfaetorily for pinnated and sharptail, but I cannot find in
your publications any maxitri crop -weirht for riffte grouse.
Cold you give me this so I can apl   it a-ritnst yoir riffed
grouse weights?
I could, of course, 7et this from Vin, but since ytr
weighits are publishel and hio ire not, I thou'-ht it prefer-
able to uoe yours.
It is definitely decided that ;i:ng had better stick
to his knitting this stmaer and not swap places with me at
Matamek.  I will be there for the openin date, but cannot
stay for the long season.
Tours sincerely,
4I                          n  b a reC A L D O   T .   SPO L D
\~iJ1        ~In Charge, Game Survey