them to th-e other boys.

Richards has been let out of the TVA and leaves at the
end of the month. We attended a farewell dinner for him, given by
the Foretry Department. He and his family are returning to their
home in West Chester Pensylvania. "e has no plans for the future.
The act came rather suddenly. His resignation was reouested on the
10th and he gave it on the 14th. I do not know who will be his
successor. There have been rumours for several months that Vernon
Rhodes, now in Texas, was scheduled to succeed him. Rhodes was foremerly
Assistant Chief Forester.   I think that the let out came as a
surprise for Richards although he must have read it in the cards unless
he never plays cards.
Bernard Frank (took a Master's under Wehrwein and worked
under Zon) is the present Assistant Chief Forester. I wouldn't be
surprised if he should go if a new Forester comes in.
I notice that the hildlife Society has finally been
devided into the sheep and goats. I imagine that all our crowd must
now pay theadditional $2. I do.
It occurs to me that last year, in our attempt to be
fair, we tended to lean forward toofar in mentioning my work and
attrbites to various people in charge of positions, Of course we must
not break our spinal columns by leaning over backwards to the ground.
Yet people tend to notice a typographical error and never remember
anything else. Who ever remembem a oerfect format?
PS: Purdue took on a wildlife man last semester. Do you know who
it is?