1532 University Ave.
January 18, 1936
Mr. Herbert W. Cornell
City Service Couiesion
Seventh floor, City Hall
Milwaukee. Wisoonsin
Dear Mr. Cornell:
I an hardly in a po3ition to help push the
establishment of the retfhe in conjunction with the Astron-
omical Observatory. There have been so many misapplications
of the refuge idea that I would hesitate to do this in any
event before seeing the area and examining both its ouita-
bility and the facilities for its administration. I might,
however, be of some use to you in planning the wild life
development on the refuge should one be established.
I am entering your name in my field book, and when
my field work takes me in your neighborhood, will give you
a ring to see whether you have any need of my services.
Your, sincerely,
Aldo Leopold
Professor of GOn Man aent