Co lies to '.r. Kn
Mr. Stoddard & Mr. Grange
Aar $6193V
ar. c. stewart ckuomen
Sporting Ama & Aamition ftftha lastitate
103 Park Aiveme,
New Tok tty
Beta Mr. om4u1n
Gaw fellowsip student at the Univereity of Minnsota
(alph T. King, Untversity VavrA  St. aul, Min.) ant to get in
touch with old oaaisston houses or comeroW -ia, ame deaows who may
have old books or other rords abowtag shipments or -=robase of
eyclie game species.
ais mease efft4 grouseA partridge, praidre ohicken#
SaA *Asptat grease.
Abh object is to trace the date of former grme cycles
by fluctuatims in market eshipents.
It has occurred to we thiat the field men of the various
opaides alht know where smAih records are to be found and might
either obtain than for Mr. Ita or tell him how to obtain thes.
Natarally the field men now or formerly in the WLae statas, prAiries
states. New Angiand, or 4anada wad be the mostUilkely sourees of
Weuld you iadly request the apprWrIate companies to
bring thiis matter to the attention of the right mieu and if anything
oeurs to them, ask than to eorrespond directly with Mr. Eing, it
poselbl senading a earbon ospts?
Tews sineerely.
to Qar*, ets surver
hat man, Gene festoette on Gant tee