Deeiber 29, 1936

Professor Aldo Lepold,
Departuieat of Iiultural Econciics
University of 1'inconsin
Madison, %;ioonsin
Dear Professor Leopolds
rhe pblic tion you refer to in your lntter of
December 17th i entitled "Propagation of Game Food and Cover Plant-
of the La*ke States".  It was published by the Lake States Forest
Rortrient Station in Cctober, l935. The title page states it was
"ompiled by P. L, V'isher, A. R. Briggs, W. A. .lkins, and J, I,
Ro' with special assistance. from C. M. Aldous and the U, S.
Bioloicial Survey." It is a mimreogrphed bulletin of $1 pages.
Two printini wree m1  apd no   .npies are now availible.
I ju';t called the Lake States Station and
they have only two file opie loft. They checked their mailing liIt
and said you were sent a copy and that later a number of your
students wrote for and received copies. They -ere sorry they hadn't
an extra oppy they could sond you now.- I have only one but I will
be glad to loan it .o you if you do not ;ucceed in locating a o py
down there.
Very truly yours,

Instrctor - Sconomio Zoology