(F) Appointment of Director
The Commission shall appoint a Director who shall be responsible to the Commission for
the execution of its policies and shall be a man with knowledge of, and experience, in
the requirements for the conservation and the restoration of wildlife and forest re-
sources of the State of Illinois, Such Director shall serve at the will of the Com-
mission only, and shall not hold any other public or private office. The Director
shall receive compensation in the sum of $10,000,00 annually, and shall be reimbursed
for all actual and necessary expenses, incurred by him in his official discharge of
duties. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Director shall take and
subscribe to the Constitutional oath of office, and shall furnish a bond payable to
the People of the State of Illinois, insuring the faithful performance of his duties,
the amount of this performance bond to be determined by the Commission. The commis-
sion shall hereby be authorized to establish such departmental bureaus or divisions as
may be necessary for the conduct of the work of the Commission and shall fix the sal-
aries or other compensation of experts, clerks and other emoloyees whom the Director
is hereby empowered to employ as may be necessary in the proper conduct of the Com-
mission. The Director shall have general supervision and control of all of the activ-
ities of the Conservation Commission and shall be subject to such duties and exercise
such powers as the Commission may from time to time, by regulation, designate.
(G) Appointment under Civil Service Law
All appointments are to be made subject to the approval of the Commission, by the
Direc tor, and subject to the Civil Service Laws of the State of Illinois, where they
may apply. The Director shall be authorized to employ as many conservation officers
as may be required to efficiently enforce the laws of the State of Illinois, and the
rules and regulations of the Commission, provided, however, that no person shall be
appointed conservation officer until he has passed a competitive examination prepared
under the direction of the Commission, which shall embrace an investigation of the
character, habits, and general qualifications of the applicant as well as his know-
ledge of the State Game and Fish Laws, and the duties and responsibilities appertaining
to the position of Conservation officer.
(H) Salaries if Conservation Officers
The salary of each Conservation Officer shall be fixed by the Commission, and they
shall be reimbursed for all actual and necessary expenses incurred by them in the d   **
discharge of their official duties.
(I) Power of Conservation Officers
Conservation Officers shall have the power of, and be deemed to be, peace officers
within the scope of the duties herein imposed upon them as defined by the Civil Code
of the State of Illinois.
(J) Bond Requirements
The Commission may require bonds of certain employees, at their discretion, insuring
their faithful performance of the duties impos I by law, or by the Commission, upon
such employees, and the premium for such bond shall be paid for from the funds of the
(K) Right to vote
lNhile retaining the right to vote as he may please and to express privately his opin-
ion on all political subjects, no officer or employee of the Commission shall take an
active part in any political campaign, nor shall he use his official position to
further the candidacy of any candidate for office.
(L) All acts and statutes in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby