arCh 25, 1937

Professor Aldo Leopold
Department of Agricultural Economics
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Dear Professor Leopold:
You have he&rd by this time that I have accepted a position at  yracose.
I an leaving here April 15 and will take up ry work there April 19. I wish there
were sufficient time for me to stop at Madison on ay way for a visit with you,
but that is impossible as I an driving through and have only three days in which
to make the trip. I haven't w doubt as to your part in my obtaining this new
position, and I want you to know that I appreciate what you have done for me in
this case as I have always appreciated the ma things that you have done for me
in the past.
The arrangements now are for me to work at Syrose until June 15 or
July 1, then return here for the s=amer. I will have from July 1 to September 15
absolutely free to complete the requironents for my degree. The chief one of
those to the writing up of the eight years of grouse work. I expect that to be
ready for publication by Septmber 15 this year. This should be good news to you
and a nauber of my friends.
I am planning on a two or three day trip to 0loquet the week-end of
April 9 and 10th. I wonder if Mr. Moore would care to come up for that trip. We
intend taking a grouse census, and I hope to give the Station one last close
inspection. Naturally if any of the others of you can come with him, I would be
more than glad to have you. If Mr. Moore will let me know within the next day or
so, I will plan definitely on the trip, leaving here amy time during the day or
evening of April 9 and returning to St. Paul on either the 11th or l2th. There
are a great many things I would like to write you about, but time is so short that
I am afraid they will have to be postponed until I have gotten settled at Syracuse.
I believe Dr. Schmitz submitted the paper on Rough Grouse Management to
you for your inspection. I understand it is to appear in the May issue of the
Journal. What would you think of a paper embodying the census figures that we
have from 1931 up to the present and titled something like this, "A segment of
a cycle cure", for one of the first ambers of the new Journal of Wild-Life
With best regards to you, Wing, Moore, and the other fellows, I am
Sincerely yours,

Instructor in Economic Zoolog