Nov. 10, 1931
Mr. S3auel Rosenberg
187 Rutledge Street
Brooklyn, New York City
Dear Mr. Rosenberg:
Some preliminary findings on the status of ruffed
grouse in the Lake States are given in my *Report on a Game Survey
of the North Central States," obtainable from the American Game
Association, Investment Building, Washington, D. C.,l at $1.00.
A fellowship to make a life history study of ruffed
grouse is being maintained by this Institute at the University of
Minnesota. Ralph T. King, University Pam, St. Pal, is the fellow.
He has published no reports as yet, but I am sending him your
letter so that he can put your name down for a reprint of anything
that is brought out. If you have specific questions in the mean-
while, he would doubtless be glad to correspond with you. The
entire outline which you give could not, of course, be covered
by correspondence.
Yours sincerely,
In Charme, Game Survey