Harh s, 19
Dr. illim Elder
Znologyj Depsrtment
tnhvrsity of 4issouri
coltbia, AMissuri
Dear Bills
I like your exai and I anm :assigw it to Joe and Bob,
who qill be intorested in It.
Gerald Malaher wms here and we -grqe unaimously
w-ith, your aporaisal of hin. Ho -;Ave !ta usellent
talk to K"imlion. iaturdAy we had a meeting with
the soils people to talc bout the behavior of
imarat -o'ltions on impounided wters. TZat is
a    lthA  problem, and while he dirslains being a
sainatist, hit attitude is very scientific.
Tell Nins my eye has 'oeen out froL under the b-ndage
several days, and is doing fine.
I will mias seeing you at St. Louis.
With love to a,
Yours ever,
ALtpm                          Aldo Leopold
P.S. I -m mixling you .th book about asals called
"The Hunting of the Silv r Flooc*. I read a chqapter
or two, but didn't -et rny further boomuse of the
eye operation. The writing was a little too Iarppe"
to suit me. I am wondering whether the essays will
appear 3purple" to other readers.