
Journal of Forestry:
A biotic view of land. 37(9):727-30.Sept.1939.
Conservation economics. May 1934.p.537.
The conservation ethic. Oct.1933.p.634.
Deer and Dauerwald in Germany. 34(4-5): 366-75.Apr. & 460-66, May 1936.
-(,Environmental controls for game through modified silviculture.Match 1930,p.321.
Forest products research and profitable forestryMay 1927.p.542.
Forest service salaries and the future of the national forests. 17:398-401.Apr.1919
;A The forester's role in game management.Jan.1931.p.25.
P4%        Forestry and game managenent. 16:404-11. 1918.
D           Game range. Oct.1931,p.932.
"'Game system deplored as "melting pot." Feb.1932.p.226.
Grass,brush, timber & fire in southern Arizona.22:1-10.Oct.1924.
The national forests, the last free hunting grounds of the nation.17:150-53.Feb.
A plea for recognition of artificial works in forest erosion control        (1919.
policy. 19:267-73.March 1921.
Some thoughts on forest genetics.Oct.1929.p.708.
%x Wildlife conference,1936. 34(4):430-31.Apr.1936.
The wilderness and its place in forest recreational policy. 19:718-21.Nov.1921.
Journal of wildlife management:
Wildlife food patches in southern Wisconsin, by A.Leopold, E.B.Moore & L.K.Sowls.
3(l):60-69. Jan.1939.
& Louisiana conservation review.Oct.1932.p.15. -The role of universities in game
Parks & recreation:
Some thoughts on recreational planning.18(4):136-37.Dec.1934.
v       Natural rproduction of forests.v.8,1924/25.p.366.