January 7, 1931.

Mr. Aldo Leopold
421 Chemistry Puilding
University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Dear Mr. Leopold:
I have just received your note stating that you
would be in St. 'Paul for four or five days around January 23rd.
It will be fine to have another opportunity to talk things over
with you and to show you the results of the winter feeding and the
work on cycles.
I know how busy you are and no doubt your time
will be well taken up with things you want to get done here but
I am writing to ask a tremendous favor of you. Dr. Piley wants to
plan a dinner meeting while you are here with you as guest speaker.
We all hope that your plans will permit the inclusion of this
extra work. The group at the dinner will include the faculty and
graduate students from our own department, from Forestry and from
the Lake States Station, and any others interested. You will have
an opportunity to meet your many friends on the campus and I assure
the entlie groun is interested in what you have to say. Incidentally,
we will endeavor to have several deans and the heads of various de-
partments there. The choice of subject we will leave entirely to you.
You will recall we talked about this last su~mmer and you know better
than we do.what should be said.
Vriday, the 23rd, will be taken up with the Game
League meeting and Saturday and Sunday, the 24th and 25th, would not
do for a campus meeting. Any day previous to or following those
dates will be satisfactory with us if you can arrange to do this.
We would meet at 5:45 or 6:00 and your talk would come after the
dinner. You could get away by 8:30, I believe, if it were necessiry.
I will reserve discussion of my work until I see you.
Roping to hear favorably from you soon and with best regards to you and
Mrs. Leopold, I am
Sincerely yours,
RTK-b                             Ruffed Grouse Investigations.
P.S. Mailing copy Green's paper on Quail and Tularemia today.