2 - Deusing

The reason the area now has few pheasants is lack of winter tood.
Corn or saybeans should be left out adjacent to each unit of winter cover.
My guess is the small potholes will hold more birds in winter than the big
The big swamps are useful as a natural refuge during the hunting
season. No artificial refuges will be needed except perhaps in a few corners
where natural swamps are absent. Certainly no artificial moving of stock
will be needed here.
This area has duaks, woodoock, and ruffed grouse as well as
pheasants. If ducks are to be included in the maineament plan (ad I think
they must be to avoid confusion), then some of the lakes mAst be made refuges
to avoid burning out" the area. These refuge lakes could properly be baited,
and should of course be closed to other husting as well as ducks. The duck
hunting would greatly swell the revenue.
The restocKing operations conducted here are a waste of good money.
A dollar invested in feed would bring mach larger dividends than a dollar spent
in restooking. Restocking is unnecessary because you cannot shoot out the
breeding stock from these swamps.
Any attempt to organise these farmers for game management should
Include an attempt to conserve the outstanding wildflower resources of the bogs.
If outsiders are charged for hunting and required to park inthe farmyard,
why not the same requirements for viewing the wildflowers? Once the farmers
reatlie the value of these flowers. they would be more Inclined to take care of
Several questions apply equally to both areas.
Predator Control. My experience is thA.t this is unnecessary; we
have increased our pheasants at both Riley (hunted) and the Arboretum (refuge)
to ry high levels without any predator control.
Organisation. One of the troublesome questions in any area where
there are fees to divide is how to divide them. If you can let them scrne to
the church, the organisation, or some other commanity body, you avoid the
question of division.
The availability of key farmers enthusiastic enough to do actual
work should not be overlooked.
Technical Service. Is ti*., you will need detailed planning as te
just what management measures, if any, are recommended for each farm. I could
let you have a student for this if you could carry him during the time he works
for you.
Yours sincerely,

Aldo Leopold