October 7   1935

Rr. Paul L. Errin-ton
Deprtment of Zoology and Entomolory
Iowa State Colle-e
Ames   Iowa
Dear Paul:
I have no serious objections to your usin7 my conclusions
in your forthcomin technical bulletin. The statement as you have
written it is fair enouJh except that I wonder if your inclusion of
all -rouse at Cloquet under the subspecies tomata is 1001 correct.
That has no bearin!r on the matter of clutch size at all but it is
a question for consideration if the data are to apn-ear in a technical
I am still looking forward to receiving a letter which
will go into the prorised details which you mentioned in your last
two letters. With best wishes, I am
Sincerely yours

Instructor - Tconomic Zoology