424 University Farr Place
April 11, 1941
Dean X. 3. Fred
Graduate School
Dear Dean Freds
At Miss Riley's request I am sending you my file copy of the memorandum
I wrote in advance of Vogt's visit. In it are marked certain passages
which indicate the kind of studies he wants to fo'low. I am also
sending you his transcript from Columbia.
During his visit here a committee was appointed by your office, probably
informally, to confer with him. It included Dr. Noland, Dr. Wagner,
and myself, but I remember no others. Apparently no written record of
the committee's findings was made, but I remember that the coamittee's
findings included an estimate of two years' minimum time and a tentative
list of courses for a joint major in Zoology and Wild1ife. My impression
is that Mr. Vogt took no issue with the two year estimate, but was die-
appointed that the general line-up of courses included &,number of subjects
he did not want, and thus excluded other subjects which he believed per-
tinent to his research. My impression is that the subjects he did not
want were mostly the result of established departmental sequences and
rules; hence my suggestion of a *floating committee".
As you know, I have no exact knowledge of procedures antecedent to a
degree. My suggestio may be impracticable. I do not think that Vogt
wants or expects any 4id guarantee exactly delimiting his obligations.
I do think that he got the impression that our proedures were riid in
the sense that they made little or ko allowance for his scholarlfcom-
potence and for the peculiarities of his thesis problem.
If I can be of any help to you in a now round-up of the question, please
let me know.
Tours sincerely,
Aldo Leopold
Professor of Wildlife Management