the peak, and which fitted In best with all the other tirmastasxes was
a really adequate study of the behavior and history of cyles, concen-
trating on Minnesota, bat giving incidental attention to a larger terri-
If you have any objection to this as a thesis tople and as
the immediate subject of his research under the fellowship, it might be
well to write him. If it falls in with your ideas and Gran9e's, the de-
tailed diseaselon of it can be postponed until both of you come out again
in July.
I might say that this proposed subject would certainly include
an attempt to measure populations, but the census work would not be the
whole thing, id even if no great amount of census data were obtained
there would still be plenty of subject natter for theis parposes.
Sine Grage is new with ye I am ssuming that this letter
will reash you both.
With best regards,
Tours siaserely,
ALo LaoPo.D
In Obase, Same San*W