1532 Vhivreity AVeme
Jan* 1, 1937
Mr. Patl V. Brown
National Park Service
300  elue ilding
ame3a, Nebraska
Dear Mr. Nwowns
At the suggestion of Bill Howard I an writtig you in
behalf of Harry Anderson, who has been tentatively offered a
junior foremaship for wildlife work on the University Arboretas.
Anderson completes his mster' s degree here this June and is one
of up best men.
I am writing not so moh to press for his appointment
as to press for a yes or no in his case. His papers went in a
month ago, but we have not heard a word. I understand we are in
your distriot and I would appreciate It if you can shake down
an anwer because it leaves both Anderson and as in an embarras-
stag predicament.
Yours stanerely,
Aldo leopold
vb                            ?rofessor of Gae Magemnet