Copies to King & Yeatter                     File: Hungarian
Pinnated Gr.
Extract from  "Bird-Life Changes in Twenty-Five Years in Southwestern
Saskatchewan" by Lawrence E. Potter. Canadian Field-Naturalist,
September 1930.
"The district referred to in this article lies south of the Cypress
Hills in the extreme southwest corner of Saskatchewan. The writer came to
this point in the valley of the Frenchman river in 1901.
"The Hungarian Partridge extended its range from the west to this
neighbourhood about 1924 and I saw my first pair on May 21st of the following
year. By 1926 the partridge had become plentiful, but since then its
numbers seem to have fallen again. This apparent decrease is possibly due
to the last two summers, 1927 and 1928, having been more than usually wet,
and is probably only a temporary setback. The Ruffed Grouse is a bird of
general distribution across the continent and it is a curious fact that the
Cypress Hills is the only considerable wooded area in Canada in which this
species is not indigenous. In the spring of 1922 a number of these grouse
were liberated in the district by the Game Department, some of them within
10 miles of here; but that any of their descendants survive today seems
unlikely. I have been informed now and again of the Pinnated Grouse occurring
here, but it is still scarce; I have never seen it except on one occasion,
and that was while motoring in south-east Alberta in 1925."