424 'University Parm Place
Division of Wildlife Manaement                             November 1, 1939
Permanent Secretary
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Smithaonian Institution
Washington, D. 0.
Deer Sir:
I understand from Dr. Leonard W. Wing, Washington
State College, that you are considering a grant in aid for
his analyses of animal populations, including a computing
machine for the analytical work.
I have been working with Wing on this project since
1934, and I am glad to certify his competence and the impor-
tance of the project. The present status of the work is
that the University of Wisconsin, through a W.P.A. crew, has
prepared the data for analysis but is unable to go further
with the project because of Wing hpving moved to Washington.
I am very much in hopes that the A.A.A.S. can give him a lift.
There is no doubt,in my opinion, that a oomputing machine is
a necessary part of the equipmet.
Sineerely yours,
Aldo Leopold
Professor of Wildlife Management