Junction with the notable lack of fluctuation. It would be easy to see
how maaement oaml4 build up a very dense w    ltion, but to have th t
popul:ation so free of disease is surorising.
It to also interesting that the natural metods of Grechoslovakta
should produce denser ppulations than the sent-artifieial sethods in
England, althogh of course it is not surprising that they would be denser
than in the Musmee of Iyuo                  -+f
ho true grouse are fthnd in Oseehslevakia exceot the aurhahan,
which is a rare ameetas found only on one royal forest.  Or. fasek did
not know its charactoristies.
IV. Re1sek to an expert on the filtrable virus diseases of insects,
ad states that orulation creles are a distinct thiriateristio associtated
with virus diseases. This leads to the thoug*t that our-eycle stuxdies
should be brought into contact not only with parastologists an bateriol-
egists, but also with the specialists Vi virus diseases, of which there
are only two or three in this country, acoording to Or. Raset. .ie sentioned
glaser of Princeton and Rivers of the Rodketfller Founation.