>ov. 2, 1 9J  O

Mr. (C. Stewart Caneant
Sportng Arns & Ammnition 'ifrs  Institute
101 kfak Aveae
New York*, N. Y.
Dear Mr. Comeanxt
It ooours to me that I have been ress in not
ftrnlsktrd t the holders of our fellowships a list of the
firms wihich are members of the Institut*. The fellows are
traveling a pood 4eal, some of thea more and -ore widely. and
it is always nossible that they may iadvertently amit to call
upon members of the Institute through not Iiw~ng who those
mbers are and where they are located. Y111 you kindly fur-
nish to  adi of the following a list wiich in your t)wlanent
is suitable for tie uwos?
Paul L. Vrrington, 3iolog Thuilig, a4ison. tisoonain
RalphA T. Fiag, uiversity hanm, St. isx1, flinnesota
R. R. Yeatter, Schol of Forestry & Conervation, Am Arbor,
David MI. GorA1eh, College of AgriatWr, University of
Arisona, Thoson, Arisona
Yours sinoerely,
In Charge, Game Surver
Copies to Messrs. Olin
in /