
71r. Aldo Leopold,
441 Chemistry Building,
ad~ison, ?!ia.
Dear Aldo;
Your good letter of the 6th received. Surely was g-ad that you -!ent
out to see Gorsuch and bet you had a good time. There is nothing that I would
rave enjoyed more than to have been with you. I like Gorsuch as well as his
c'ountry. Yes, those jack rabbits whould make wonderful hunting with the bow and
arrow; sort of a uuch hger quality that some of our :,ost famous game species
furnish with a gun and high power ammunition. Maybe we can try them some day.
Yes, I am trying to stop the deluge of consulting wokk now; have been
turning down somevery attractive work. This is made necessary because about
twenty have joined the 'Club" here to back some further studies I have in
mind, and any time that  1 have ( beyond the discharge of obligations
-reviously assumed, like -ossible cooperation with the Davis- leynard scheme,
and a few places I am tied up with for the year) should be devoted to atudy of
their places with the idea of assisting in their improvement. I  :rent into the
consulting field just fer enough to be sure that it  contains a lot of
possibilities, hut I -refer to devote as much time to research as ios sible, and
life '.s short. I -reatly a.preciate you illingness to turn work my way, and
ay call on you later, but just at resent   am try nu to dodge any  ore.
,any thanks for your interest.
I am glad that you still h'ave in mind to visit us here, and if you
will let me know far enough *n advance T will try to set the stage so you can
shoot a turkey with the bow and arrow. Anytime from November 20 to iMarch 1st.

Sherwood Plantation,
Thomasville, Ga.,
April 10, 1931