Sptewmber 10, 1947

Professor Thlph T. Dowdel
306 Ap-lby Hall
Univer3ity of Minnosota
Minnapolis, Tamlesota
Dear Professor Dowdell:
21l1 Elder has told me about Bob Gr-ann' death, and abouth     venry
interestin, tnIlk with you.
First about nob: I had a hid, liraton for him, ext a strong
prrsonal likt.    I Am aruch pleased th't you feel inclined to go
throudi with the joint undertakng you. and Bob have carried on. The
purposo of this letter is to arers r wholo-hearted uprt for your
Your opinion- that thern is no redC! bnlliatical obstacle in the uatter
of tiraoved shot is one of the most important thing  1 have hoard in
a decado. If such is the case thli tttor ieat be carrtd thrigh to
a showdoM, and to this nnd I offer ?m     tawer inTruvnce I ''ve in
the conservation field.
No doubt you will need a biologi st to wo raith you, as ob hars done
up to this point. 3darring only the obstacle of distaoe, Mll T1der
is the best choice I could makIe in North hverioa.  I hope that you two
can *etam up-" in this matter.
I'd like to meet you in person. Should your trav-ls brink you here,
please Give me a ring. I rill oal1 you should I get to your Oampus.
Yours sinerely#
ALM~                                       Aldo Leopold